Sunday, December 8, 2013

Savage Land

New feature, chars with Range 5 and 6 have a better D, DF, F + A when mp bar is full, check cyclops beam at video.
and if hold up or up+forward he shot beam at other diretion.
Chars com range 5 e 6 tem um hadoken mais forte se a barra de mp tiver cheia. dá pra ver o raio do cyclope maior no video.
e se segurar cima ou cima+frente, ele muda a direcao do raio


  1. this is looking great, any chance of a t-rex appearing with mastermold?

    love the background on the flying stages..

    though I wish everybody had secondary attacks

    of course cap and hawk uses shield and arrows but

    beast could have some drones
    black cat like chars have generic missles
    archangel feathers secondary can be charge attack
    ms marvel and ironman hand blast and energy/em burst
    jean grey can fly like ms marvel and shoot tk blast and maybe secondary can be tk shield for few seconds

    hulk should be banner secondary should be drones like beast
    rouge should fly like ms marvel but no hand blast she should have a increased super armor during this and punch and her secondary should be a ms marvel flying punch charge attack

    1. im not fan of beast/drone... usually he are not a scientist when he are fighting, also i dont want to add regular projectiles, because ship already do it.
      ... to fly chars like archangel i want to use 2 attacks.

  2. Ficou muito bom, os dinossauros ficaram ótimos e combinaram muito bem com o jogo.

  3. zvitor dá dando medo de jogar e jogo,tá um mega projeto,eu nem sei mais o vem por aí.
    essa plataforma openbor é poderosa mesmo hein!
