Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Almost there....


  1. Ohhh who will save poor Adam...on another note I'm unable to reply on YouTube on my phone but cool stryfe vid...how about some different armor colors like gold blue or black? Also I noticed in some sprites mainly the walk and jump he is missing the dark around his eyes like his stance and other sprites have..kinda jarring...maybe it was my fault but I could've sworn that I made it match the other heads

    1. i cant change metal colors on pallets :(, my fault when setted this color scheme to project 4 years ago.
      thats why main silver surfer pallet is blue.

    2. No I meant give him a few of silver surfer's pals if possible...that is if they share the same color scheme

      And the dark color around his might be less trouble if you just used the same best head for everything...idk..it could be my phone...or I'm just too critical of my own stuff...

      Well I like how you incorporated a lot of stuff...he looks really fun and if you want him in your game then it's definitely good enough for me I know you have a good eye for sprites...I just hate looking at my own stuff

      And one last...I don't think I saw zero attack one guy was that on purpose to be like a bullet sponge lol

      Again if he is not up to standards man feel free to take him out

      Later and happy holidays

    3. he is a great addition to game roster, thanks for him, and for your effort in this project.
      happy holidays. :)

  2. And lol I think my phoenix sprite got put to good use...though I could be wrong

  3. Poor Warlock! (COOL!)
    And Magus has clones AND illusions? COOL!
    Hope to see him REALLY use his Infinity Gauntlet! Better than Thanos at least. ;)

    1. tecnicamente.... thanos só tinha o cubo magico, e eu tava tentando copiar o do wargems.
      o magus tá dificil.... e chato, mas ainda preciso balancear isso direito, minhas 4 ultimas tentativas foi game over.

    2. Tem razão, o Thanos tinha o cubo, e não as gemas. :/
      Esse ultimo estágio, do Magus tem várias fases, ou só a batalha final? Com quantas vidas vc começa?

    3. cada stage são 5 vidas, independente de voce ter mais ou menos quando completa o stage anterior.
      o stage final são 3 lvls
      - a sala de escolha de char sendo invadida pelo clone army
      - um trecho da nave onde voce enfrente mais clones com ajuda do mano warlock
      - boss fight

    4. Vlw pela doaçao brother! eh raro receber doação de BR, ainda mais nesse tempo de crise, eh mais um incentivo pra não desanimar nesse sprint final! eu ia responder por email, mas apareceu aqui pra mim um email do zipmail, nem sei se isso ainda existe.
      Brigado mesmo.

    5. Ahahah!! Zipmail ainda existe sim! Eu devo ser o último usuário vivo dele, e por incrivel que pareça é um dos meus melhores emails (hoje ele é do UOL). :D

  4. What up big Z!!! Man your games are the pinnacle of quality. I'm a huge MARVEL comics nerd and have played ALL your games. I've been looking at all tha vids of marvel infinity war and came across Lokis. I saw his stats and they seem a lil off also his playstyle is a lil awkward. Magneto power is higher than Loki and it seems Loki has Way too many physical attacks should be maybe more magic based? His blocking is amazing nice

    1. i confess, my knowledge about loki is highly influenced by marvel movies, and there he is like this one, a illusionist with physical skills.

    2. Fair enough didn't really watch those movies lol. Glad he made it in.

  5. Z game looks awesome can't wait to play any chance of an Xmas surprise? Keep up the great work u truly are an openbor master

  6. Do you wanna some beer Big Z??? Check your paypal, i sent you another small donation... ;p

  7. Give him more beer for those creative juices lol

  8. I noticed something on stryfe during his sword attack...his loin cloth between his legs is too long,thin, and pointy...can you replaced that with a loin cloth from one of his other sprites?
