Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Quake in progress....

Ps: i know, i need a better mvc sprite to be her portrait....


  1. Caaara... esse roster tá tão lindo!

    Admito que a escolha de Quake me surpreendeu - apesar de adorar ela por conta da série Agents of Shield.

    Posso pedir uma coisa?
    (Como se eu nunca tivesse pedido! ahahahhah)
    Seria possível colocar NPCs agentes da Shield SEM armadura? Tipo o uniforme do Nick Fury, Maria Hill, etc. Com algum edit na própria Quake daria pra fazer agentes femininas tb...

    1. olha.... eu ate ja tentei... quando ficar mais folgado, posso até tentar denovo, pq o saco vai ser que vou ter que fazer um random pra n ficar sumonando sempre o mesmo, ficar mudando paleta pra cada summon.

  2. Coloque mais alguns detalhes cinzas na roupa dela

  3. Parem de pedir um monte de coisas e deixem ele terminar esse jogo, seus filhos da puta du caraio

      Pior q eu penso igualzinho quando vejo o povo pedindo as coisas!

    2. Nossa rapaz, acalme suas tetas... kkkk

      Mto bom o efeito da special. Onde vc encontrou? N me é estranho

  4. where can i download this?
    I really need it!

    1. you can download version 2 at zvitor.com.br...
      still working on version 3

  5. Looks cool. Don't know much about her...and I think the pot rain is fine

  6. Big Z did u read my last post in previous discussion?

    1. oh, still a bit lost, trying a better format to blog,
      atm chars have energy 40, i will try > 20 to "full" bar moves

  7. Thanks!!! Btw I like new blog layout ;)

  8. Good job, but just one qustion
    why stryfe? why no Nate grey (x- mAn)?
    Nate (not cable), really will better for ApocAge...
    interestin character with Very porwefull telekinesis abilities

    1. honestly, i preffer nate grey then stryfe,or shocker, or ironfist.... but sometimes its more about what we have,
      all marvel chars wich i love, are already on game since MFA1, thats why to this next spots i let spriters decide.
      we had a spot to a villain, so warecus offered help to do Stryfe sprites, so he is welcome :)

    2. http://crusadercast.com/sprite-database/nate-grey-(x-man)
      that is bad?
      and we have old nate grey char on mugen too-)

    3. Once I finish Squirrel Girl, I might do X-Man, but Reptil and Baymax are more interesting to me.

    4. That would be very cool to see this powerful telepath in my favorite game. To be honest, I can not believe that it could be so good =)
      But the last word for the Big Z and you spirеrs, you guys make this game =)

  9. Damn auto correct...

    ;)...I'm really happy for the diversity we have right now...we really couldn't ask for anything more...I can't and if I do I sprite it myself nuff said but I shall go on...apocalypse needs a boss/evil rival not a hero rival..got plenty of those...nate is boring...90'S AT ITS finest jacket and all...but besides that I think more from a game play and visual aesthetic. Stryfe can do more and is more visually interesting then nate who will blend in at the char select...I have a base for him but I rather make that someone else from a gameplay standpoint plus you gotta half way like what you sprite especially the boring stuff and nate is all boring.......the red capes are coming

  10. It is not boring =)
    But as much as I wanted to see in this game Grеy, spriters do very much, so it is fair and square that you will be able to choose =)
    Thanks for the answer.

  11. Here you are Z, Jones coming right at you. She looks like in her series. I tried to give leathery jacket feel, don't know if it's good or not. I also sprited her dash just in case you want her more than punch.
    Jessica Jones

    And Doc Ock Spritesheet, sorry it's taken a while to gather.

    Hell, I might just give it a try. Would you be interested at Agent Venom. He played just like his Marvel Alliance. Lack of creativity on my part.. lol.. Cause I have him laying around as one of my wip. He's about 80%. Just missing Special & Hyper and details here and there.
    Agent Venom

    1. Yo, SG is still being worked on as well. I would rather edit Doc Ock to no longer have a permanent grin.

    2. And that Agent Venom idle looks good.

    3. thanks man!
      now the 14-chars-kid will have a heart attack if see that agent venom

    4. Don't say "kid" more than 3 times that you'll summon him Z, stap...

      @suicidalovesong Man, I'm impressed! You did a wonderful job. Just one sprite here and there that I can improve (with your permission of course).

    5. agent venom has the spider white i am gladto see agent venom but the spider in his chest is White not red.
      is a character less in which to work hey maru what happened with namor will be in the game as char or not

    6. @Maru : You always have my permission Maru. Thanks.

      @Max : It's his Thunderbolt outfit and it's easier for my eyes. I can always used palette to recolor him.

    7. @suicidalovesong Thank you :)

      @max I don't know since I give the other guy the sprites I haven't heard of it

    8. @max btw, where are the sprites that you promised to make? You didn't even give us a sample. I think I was right.

    9. i am working on all the chars
      1 on 1
      and i have been busy with the hurricane matthew

    10. @suicidalovesong well then recolor him.
      can i ask you a favor help me with the sprites of toxin and antivenom please

    11. I said before but it's hard for you to understand... you actually have to show us something if you want some kind of help... how can we help you if we don't see what is the problem????

      Seriously, just upload something and I'll help you if I can or else, don't even bother to reply, cause I won't answer anything else.

    12. ok i will upload it soon

    13. http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Adam-Warlock-Marvel-Comics-Infinity-Watch-e.jpg

      the problem is the next
      i'm trying to make the sprites but dontnkow how to lay the bases of the sprites that's the problem

      I want to make the sprites to be equal to the images i know how to coloring the sprites just need the basics

    14. What software you work ... if you know how to use paint, you're ready to go.

      Then you need to find a base reference for the sprites, search at spritedatabase or sprite resource (google it).

      Now you match your reference with what you want. With this I can't help you, since it's your job to think what should work, and what shoudn't.

      Always use a character in the game as a reference. For males http://spritedatabase.net/file/8787 and for females , 3 pixels shorter than cyclops should be fine.

      Save your file as BMP or PNG, and try to put all the images in one sheet, like suicidal did https://s20.postimg.org/lotxcebq5/Doc_Ock_Spritesheet.png

      Also remember that you need the basic sprites that Z told you, which you should guess looking at the game. Know that is really hard to make just 1 character (it takes 3 days from scratch to make a good full playable character), so 14 characters is just unrealistic for someone who don't even know how to start.

      And I asked for images of what you were doing, not jpeg files from the internet.

      If you want to know more, search it in youtube and see how they do sprite edits.

      - Maru

  12. @Austin : The thing is, I'm not really good at faces, hands, fist, fingers & animation. If you looked close enough at my sprites, I often just copy paste them.. lol.. If anyone wanna take crack at Ock be my guest..

    And I just did this just for the lol..
