Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Guardians Mode

btw, didnt figured a way to do colossus effects to super armor mode via code, so i did it with sprites...


  1. I can't wait 4 play GOG mode!!!
    Colossus shining FX seems great and fantastic soundtrack, I hope it will be include in game ;)

  2. As much as u would love it Jackson 5 music will probably be flagged...unless Z is there a way to turn off the music and keep the audio because if so then whoever is posting videos while playing can turn off the music and keep the audio on...if they choose to play the stage music and get flagged then ummm they should know better if they have a significant amount of views. ..if this is possible at all then you could make an 80's soundtrack for your stages

    On another note does your magus have any powers

    1. Just use the midi version for karaoke

    2. Also, Dr doom is missing his future foundation skin

    3. i used a small part of Jackson5 song , only at groot revive, later i post somes videos and test if i get a flag

  3. I know I dropped a few sprites on you guys plan on yandu or troll for GotG

    I asked because gamora crushed the radio and didn't want help is anyone else cocky from the guardians like her lol.

    and I hate to do this to you Z but that colossus shine looks damn good...good enough for silver surfer?...

  4. FINALLYYYYYYY!!! MFA3 in progress! I wasn't visiting the site for some months because i was thinking ZVitor is still working on SFvsJL and what did i miss! MFA2 is my absolutely favorite 2d game and at the time one of my favorite games at all. I'm sure MFA3 will be the greatest 2d game/marvel game/beat 'em up in history! Can't wait to play Groot, Apocalypse and updated Hulk!
    And btw Big Z, there is a little bug in MFA2 that I use for epic fun sometimes:
    I don't know if I really want it to be fixed, but it makes the game too easy if you use it...

    1. wecome back :)
      funny bug, you used cheat?

    2. No, it's just Nick Fury's alternative special (when in range mode) used over and over again. I just press the special button, wait for mana bar to fill up and then call the another shield guy. Do it for really many times and you will recieve the unstoppable army of little white asskickers :)

  5. hello I'm max we need to you the sprites of Gamora and phoenix and especially ALL phoenix becase jean gray because that's not phoenix its jean grey.jean powers and costume change when she becomes phoenix.Also we want the original(comics costume)of gamora please

    phoenix use cosmic flames
    and this is her costume she also fly permanently

    gamora(clasic costume),d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNEyM32e5IvFz24BZr_FNUqzC5fmlw&ust=1474664506002646

    1. sry man, will keep movie gamora, ....maybe i do a special mode to phoenix with her green costume... but im not sure yet.

    2. that would be cool for a few moves after death just a rising sprite a floating sprite and hand outstretched sprite for her to shoot projectiles

      but she would have to be super powerful with very weak defense like umvc3

      and gamora does have her classic with the pal...didn't you see the all green and yellow eyes pal?

  6. please add dark phoenix and white phoenix


    white crown phoenix

    gamora classic

  7. Dude, GIVE IT UP... unless you're willing to make the sprites yourself (which Z will have the final word.

    It's pretty hard to create sprites, also... if u make them from scratch it's even harder.

    You'll have to content in choosing the color palette. You can even give it a try and make your character(the way you like it), but seriously, STOP bugging him about it, since he already SAID NO!!!

  8. Yeah the guardians, i hope that you add the rest of the team like agent venom, Adam Warlock, Angela, Nova.

    Especially Nova and Agent venom
