Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Story Modes Ideias

No surfer video today, because today was a day to do code tests to see if everything planned here will work, and yea, it works...

Let me explain what i planned, then share your ideias about it.

Game start with Warlock sayng to save world and all that stuffs, the basic beatn up plot, all meta-human should join this alliance because a huge menace is coming....

then you go to a screen where you select your first mission:
(will be five)

there are 5 options:

1- Avengers:
then you play only witth avengers, and go to IMA base and fight against it, 
enemys so far: MODOK and Super adaptoid

2-Space guys:
Guardians+ Fantastic Four, this mode are completly done, (old guardians mode)
enemys so far: Magus and Nebula

3-Marvel Knights
Street guys, i have a lot of street maps unnused, so it will be easy, fight against gangs to clear streets.
enemys so far: none, i acept ideias, but i could recicle somes of MFA2

Will be a fight against ultron robots at Latveria castles
enemys so far: Ultron
"but wait! why apocalypse joined forces with loki and magneto to help dr.doom?"
I will not explain it, they just do it.

Brottherhood (or freedom force) actived sentinels to destroy humans, so you must clear streets against re-used sentinels robots. second map on this mode will be a bonus kind, while x-men are at streets, mansion was attacked, so you must protect xavier npc at mansion to win, the fun part is because here you will play with: Strong guy, Bishop, Dazzler, ShadowCat or Banshee - They will not be full playable, somes dont even jump, but should be fun anyway. then at 3th map, x-men return to mansion and fight.
enemys so far: Mystique, Blob, Pyro and Toad

after this 5 stages, is time to final stage

It start with a Hidra small attack to hellicarrier, this time you play with agent couson if you are player 1, and agent of shield if you are 2, 3 or 4 (it is automatic, you cant choice), after one small map, is time to choice which team will go face galactus before he comes to earth
so you go to another space maps fight against skrulls and finally beat galactus.
enemys so far: Galactus


1. if you enter at mid of a game , pressing start, you cant choise you char, is automatic: agent couson if you are player 1, and agent of shield if you are 2, 3 or 4, after change map you can choice another char.
2. still no continues, bug issues if combined with this codes to split teams
3. "enemys so far" is what is done or in progress, sure i could and i want add more later.
4. this are the final roster, i hate to code cursor, so even if someone come a super great master char after i code it, i will not add more.

There are 3 spots open:
1. a x-men or a space guy
2. Dr.strange or a marvel knight char
3. Vilain or a Marvel knight


(btw Max, if you come with mutiple posts, i wll delete it, try post everything at one post only)


  1. ok thanks for the advice
    also the point 4 its very unfair because i am doing 14 chars
    (i will finish them in 2 weeks)

    1. I'm undecided between classic Adam warlock and modern Adam warlock for the game

  2. Hmmmm.... bastante informaçao nova pra digerir.

    Bem, as missoes iniciais nao parecem ter muitas ligações entre si (são quase como os preludios do MFA1), oq é algo bom pois deixa espaço pra expandir no futuro... ou até pra incluir estagios do MFA2, com historia semi fechada, tipo o do kingpin, o ataque ao banco, o Líder tomando a base militar, etc...

    A Aliança mesmo ocorre contra Galactus, no ultimo estágio. Motivo mais q justo! Acho q dava até pra fazer o Warlock aparecer aos poucos, em cenas breves a cada estagio completado pra finalmente reunir todo mundo contra galactus ao inves de na abertura do jogo.

    Quanto aos chars em aberto, minhas sugestoes ficam pro Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch, Namor e Nova, que cabem em vários times ao mesmo tempo.

    1. Scarlet já tá confirmada. A ideia de linkar a história com o mfa2 é realmente mto boa, só colocar uma screen relembrando o acontecido e meia dúzia de palavras e eu acho q já da pra resolver o plot.

      Não sei se é a ideia, mas seria interessante tbm deixar os chars mais fortes de cada time pra liberar por último.
      Isso da um incentivo a mais pra terminar cada fase.

    2. Sim! Essa renca de char liberada toda de uma vez tem cara de cheat code! ;P

  3. i'm not sure this will work, but how about those chars for x men bonus...can they be made into one that I mean assign each char to a button and control all with direction button on a side scroll stage...for example... one button would make strong guy punch and jump, one button will make bishop shoot, one button will make banshee scream to do enemy knock back, and shadow cat will be the block button (that is she will use her power to make all char intangible so all chars are "blocking") and dazzler flash explosion for ultra now they all perform the duties of one character

    since bishop can't jump you can make a stage for him as a shooter on a truck in the future killing sentinels

    you can use this ...but maybe instead of shooting up, just shoot left and right and back ground is perfect for bishop/post apocalyptic stuff

    time: 1:46

    now I have a question which mode can you use all the playable chars for free play like MFA 2 or will that come after you complete galactus?

    idk everything sounds too dope...I got another idea but I will have to show you later :)

    1. i have no idea how code it, and should not work with 2+ chars...
      replay mode will have 9 mfa2 maps + this 6 new maps

    2. Its doable to code, but requires a lot of work. Basically, its a keyscript code, where you can make it change the animation based on which button is pressed.

      But you need to take care of the bugs, because there are tons of bad things which could go wrong.

      Btw, I am curious to see how you did that thing with autojoin which a specific character. I have a small idea how you did it, but I want to see what you did. You set them to use a specific weapon, right?

    3. Ele funciona durante o stage? não sabia

    4. ele funciona durante todo o modo, entao se alguem apertar start no playr 2 durante o jogo, ele pula seleção e escolhe o do skip, pelo que testei só pode usar um skip por modo, inclusive, em um modo com o skipselect, o select normal não funciona, tem que usar o allowselect, o que geralmete não seria um problema, mas no meu jogo sim, pq descobri que o allowselect tem limite de 55 chars :)

  4. Amazing! seems pretty good.
    Additional characters I would like Dr Strange, Mystique or Magik, Captain Marvel or Dagger / Cloak :)

  5. extra chars are good if already sprited but I like more details and cool stuff added to the stages themselves

    1. btw, i did one of your old requests, people running, also rain and cars obstacles.

  6. bb is black bolt or another char

    1. oh yeaah its my favorite char thanks

    2. Wow!!! Black Bolt is confirmed!?!?! Awesome!!! What about Medusa? Radio Helper?

    3. Pode ser, n pensei no radio dele ainda

    4. Tem vários inumanos que ele poderia chamar, mas acho a medusa iconica demais pra deixar de fora, já que tem inumanos no jogo - ainda mais o mais poderoso de todos! A irmã dela, Crystal seria uma escolha boa também, já que ela namorou o Tocha e foi até casada com Mercúrio... Os looks tradicionais dela e da Medusa são bem simples e parecidos, dava pra ele chamar as duas (que poderia ser teleportadas pra junto dele pelo cachorrão gigante dos inumanos, Lockjaw), afinal ele é o Rei, dá pra ter um Leadership alto.

  7. we can choice, right?
    So, i think first of all, that Dr. Strange. Movie soon and i think that good character for full collection.
    X- man (nate gray) will good i think or may be adam warlock
    and vilian... hmm bullseye or green goblin or thanos may be?
    good new's and good luck

    1. and if u will add Dr.Strange, Silver S note will be most powerful guy in game.
      Strange greatest wizard and strong guy too
      we need him for fight with new dangerous evil=)

    2. Adam warlock its very important to the history mode

    3. and that is why he must to be added to the game

    4. yes, but he can be just Npc =)

    5. Z, you know who this is ^ right? That annoying kid who doesn't know when to stop.


      Here Z, to stop the spammer

    7. lol, i will just delete flood posts... but thanks, i didnt know it was possible.... maybe in future.......

  8. Wow, I like the idea to play some stage with some NPCs (that I like) :)

  9. Sobre o Apocalypse no jogo eu tenho uma ideia pra vc poder justificar a presença dele, se vc conseguir fazer ou arranjar sprites do Mr. sinistro poderia colocar ele traindo o apocalypse ou algo do tipo e ele querer se vingar do sinistro e o sinistro faria uma aliança com o ultron

    1. Apocalypse pode querer destruir Ultron talvez pq nao considere um exercito de robôs como forma de vida válida pra dominar a evolução. Se todo mundo for igual a todo mundo, então a Lei do Mais Forte/Apto não se aplica.

      Mas Sinistro se aliando a Ultron seria interessante... os dois gostam de criar "exercitos", um de criaçoes geneticamente modificadas e o outro de robôs. Quem sabe os dois estariam dispostosna colaborar numa forma hibrida...

    2. Sim, agora só resta os sprites pro sinistro e o exercito dele pro Zvitor colocar no jogo

    3. E os dois estariam invadindo latveria pra obter a tecnologia do destino

  10. Talvez essa minha ideia pode parecer burrice mas vai que vc gosta

  11. O Nick Fury poderia ser da equipe de quase todo mundo menos o dos vilões já que ele é da Shield e aparentemente vai ficar de fora a maioria das missões

  12. okay Z check your pm at not the clone yet but I think that everybody can't ride the sky cycle...bye bye brrrrr.............put some respek on it playa

  13. 3 marvel knights enemy morbius and deathlok or unused npcs

    more street gangs

    more hand ninjas for enemies

    mojo for x men...protect Xavier it was just mojo screwing around

    for guardians/space

    possible select hub for guardians

    enemies for hell mode

  14. Jogo sensacional, os personagens estão muito bons, vendo esses novos chars feitos, eu estava pensando... o THANOS não seria uma boa idéia de personagem jogável? apesar de ficar estranho você ter quase os 4 vilões principais da velha guarda da Marvel jogáveis, ele tem uma ligação com os guardiões e é um certo "rival" do Galactus, assim como o Red Skull no segundo jogo aparece pra ajudar a pegar o cubo do Thanos.

  15. try putting the ronan the accuser in the space guys mission

  16. Question since sentinels and robots will be focus to xmen levels how about adding those sentinels and robots from the arcade game for variety and could you make them explode upon death like that too instead of just blinking away to make them different than organic enemies in the could probably just do a common smoke cloud for all robots in game if you don't want to add body parts this will break up monotony when facing floods of enemies especially if it's robots and humanoids mixed...that was a problem when playing older versions if it wasn't a sentinel a had a hard time telling a difference ...this comes in handy when setting up strategy when facing these guys if you have char like bucky or jubes whom you made able to effect robots

    2 there is no love for xmen (genesis) love? For me and many others that really set the tone for the 90's...and yes I have been playing for a long time ever since avengers and wolverine on nes

    3 since it's a definite that I'm making that silver clone for you...he will have more than enough for one of those char slots ...and since he will be completed you needed an idea of what to name apocalypse mode if you already have x men apocalypse mode...well got the perfect idea call this new mode you are making for apocalypse X-cutioner's song mode...that will justify fighting apocalypse and him joining your team as playable and the "silver shredder" guy too...I'm sure you read it and many others maybe they can guess who that final boss is...

    1. great ideia, and i want a name without apocalypse on tittle, because we already have a "x-men mutant apocalypse mode"...

    2. Big Z I have some ideas about the title: 1. Messiah war 2.The chosen one 3.En sabah nur

    3. En Sabah Nur, literally meaning "The First Morning Holy Light" so Also this could be a cool title...

  17. And yes I hope you use that aircraft I made you...just decide which char deserves it more...then the rest can ride sky cycles...personally I think cyclops flies it more...but beast can use it too since cyclops is able to use optic blast and cycle laser while beast don't have that many options flying it...or you can make it work for a beast ultra similar to what you did for nick fury's shield aircraft thing

    1. already in game, beast uses it, it is huge at screen? yea, but looks great. thanks


  19. hello z many want you to block me but I already stop bothering you as you know I'm trying to create 14 playable characters but I'm not very good with sprites so I ask all those people who instead of trying to eliminate me blog Could help me.that is all

    1. I know that "egor", "cooler" ,"anonymous" that answer to your own questions, are all your account. Don't try to fool me. I'm tracking you kid.

      If you want help, upload what you did and stop spamming like a fucking cunt.

  20. Like I said that is a huge task...start with one and practice,but asking someone to help you sprite 1 let alone 14 is too much...not to mention he only has room for a few more so...


  22. Doctor strange,NOVA,Agent venom and Scarlet witch

  23. Acho que seria interessante mais uma personagem feminina, ja que so vão ter duas novas e acho que o seu elenco feminino esta bem completo, as maiores heroinas da marvel ja estão no elenco, acho que ja ouvi você falar que não gosta de personagens mais modernos, mais acho que iria ficar perfeito a agente carter, é uma personagem tão incrível, principalmente na serie solo dela, torço muito pra que ela entre, mas caso não chegue a entrar. Torço para mulher aranha ou garota esquilo.

  24. Jessica Jones? é a unica que falta para completar os defensores.

  25. Nova,Agent venom,namor (the illuminati team)

  26. Enemy suggestions:

    Mandarin (street final foe)

    Silver Samurai (X-Men)

    Living Laser (Avengers)

    Lady Deathstrike (X-Men)

  27. Slot above cable
    Captain Marvel: Fits perfect with storyline/war gem mode can have a major impact, classic char.
    Dr Strange is a must have classic char
    Last slot should be namor another classic char.
    Any chance for an Atlantis level a water level would be awesome!!!

  28. I have some ideas for Marvel Knights villains:

    Iron Monger, Bullseye, Mandarin, Kraven the Hunter.
