Friday, January 13, 2017

MIW 1.06

fixing minor bugs reported and changing mana system
- mana of chars change, 40 to 50
- ultra cost 30
- ultra cancel pain anim
- mprate 2

- SW different run attack and run special



  1. Já viu o problema no ultra do Apocalypse no War Gems?

  2. Im sticking with the first version the new gameplay system is actually better for kids because its hard for them to pull of street fighter button combos and my kids love playing with me thanks again z

    1. Agreed! This is probably the first mod I wont be manually editing to turn moves into single buttons for my nephew.

      (Well, he just moved out of town, so I'd probably not do it anyway LOL)

    2. i will not change button system, and kids will love even more, because now they have more mana to use.

  3. Oh, good news!
    I will try, when get link=)
    I love 1.05 version too, that so playble and better that 1,0
    But now i can try play with dr. doom and dr. strange=)
    Thank you!!
    And i know, you hate this question, but i know, u will update mif whth add new chars and that good and 74 chars perfect too=)
    Just wanna ask, we have wolverine and x23, will we have daken( logan son) for full complete? dnt by angry please, that just question=)
    Thank you for you work=)

    1. well.... i dont hate, usually i just ignore :)
      but i will add a open poll, so its open to any marvel char, will give details when time come

    2. Did it change from single button to inputs again?

    3. ???? nope, still same buttons, just more mana

  4. olá amigo, primeira vez a comentar por aqui hehe.
    Adoro o jogo. Seria possivel voce colocar para selecionar os personagens entre as fases? Abraço.

  5. I hope people vote for doc ock with me this time especially since they got mystique who beat him and falcon out whom where tied

    1. Unless someone much more interesting joins the poll, I will be Team Ock too! :)

    2. I will vote for Daken, i like him and i think that good choise for openbor system, that just Wolwerine+ X23=)
      Or i you guys fans Doc ok, may be that good have Superrior Spidey? he has he's tentacle too=)
      Or BlackB or Nate gray... yeah we have Stryfe, but tihnk hes look ugly=)

  6. Eu não sei se é um bug mas o Sebastian Shaw quando fica congelado apenas o cabelo e o contorno dele ficam azul

  7. Continuei meu save antigo, jogando com a Scarlet Witch (q me pareceu apelona com novo run+special e mp extra+regen - mas ainda nao tenho opiniao final sobre isso). Porém, deu Crash na ultima fase:
    Can't compile script 'MagusClone' data/chars/Thanos/MagusClone.txt

    1. kkkkkk, 1 hora da manha, eu indo dormir, e vejo essa msg, de volta a mesa, ajeitar e fazer mais 2 uploads antes de dormir, vlw beto

    2. Is hulk launcher move gone now?

      And is scarlet witch dragon head special at full mana gone now?

    3. damn, thanks for quick report, will fix that too.

    4. kkkkkk sinto muito por mais uma noite sem sono!

      não sei se é bug pq eu nao tinha jogado com ele antes, mas o grab attack do hulk não está chutando longe, nem derrubando, os inimigos mais pesados. Faz sentido que eles não saiam voando arremessados pela tela, mas deviam pelo menos cair.

    5. Ah, o Banner parece não pular mais alto durante o run.

  8. Hi Z love this game and mfa2 truly a masterpiece I do have a ? Would it be possible to make an option in an updated ver to have command inputs be used to perform special moves instead of a single button? I only ask because I prefer that myself and I know quite a few people on the board who feel the same way. The player could select what they prefer. Again sry if it is a dumb ? I have no idea what it takes to make a game I can't figure out how to set the time on my phone lol reguardles of ur response once again you have made an amazing game and know I see ur going to make a dc openbor game I can't wait thx for all your hard work

    1. yea, that is possible, but is not a fast change, i can add it later.

  9. I would like to say that cable feels bad ass now...don't what it is but he does...

    But you know me that wish to add that new basic and spear move would be super...but I can see from your view it might be too much...but here's to hope and archangel gets a new move hope nothing wrong with that and doc ock

  10. yeah I can't find puck

    phoenix mode when she flies she can't turn have to get back on the ground fly up again to face the other direction

    you know that hulk launcher could be given back to green hulk or given to red hulk...or let green hulk keep that and give red hulk the new multislam since red hulk is lacking a bit and they both share the same sprites more or less

    1. I can confirm the problem with Phoenix bro

    2. thanks for tests guys, fixed jean and working on puck, since it is not a big deal will wait for another crash to upload a new version,
      rogue powers are normal here,
      launch to red hulk is a nice ideia,
      version 1.062 with magus crash problem upoaded to, and soon at gamejolt

  11. @Big Z, I do not know if it's a BUG or what, but with Rogue I can't use mutant powers of Cyclops, Storm and the other X-Men, only the old special move. Can anyone confirm this issue???

    1. she must use her special grab to get some random power

  12. Replies
    1. I have a mac, I play MIW on it using WINESKIN (It's a wrapper to port win softwares on mac) and it works like a charm. Now I'm out for work, but next week I could upload a porting of this game for mac and share link in download section according with BIG Z...

    2. cool, let me know how it works later

    3. Marvel infinity war MAC version is up on Gamejolt:

  13. Preciso de ajuda para configurar controles pra jogar de 4 pessoas pq quando configuro o segundo ele fica movendo o primeiro player também e pra jogar 4 nego no teclado fica tenso mas adorei o jogo ta de parabéns mt foda tudo isso!ajuda ae

  14. Really great changes!
    Also I can beat Magus with Dr Doom now with his ultimate. It's a somewhat unexpected strategy but it works very well.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. i said to you on last post, "i can beat him with she-hulk", well.... i cant, even after changes, lol, usually my tech with melee is do run attacks, but she-hulk run special she fall at hole, well.... still need somes changes, but are better now indee :)

  15. Z u are the man for taking are suggestions and be willing to implement them. I had the idea to have the player be able to select there controls between a single button for there special moves or command inputs to perform special moves like in mfa2 to make both types of players happy I though u would tell me to bug off but instead u say u can do it and will add it to a future update I will be waiting patientley for the update and want to say thabk you for being willing to add this feture to the game and say thank you for listing to ur fans and for making an awesome game I'll be waiting for the update once again great game

    1. thanks, for now only emergency fixes,but i will work on this commands later.

  16. For sure Z I am a paitent guy lol take ur time implmenting the commands for special moves myself and others will be waiting and while we are waiting we will be playing this amazing game and thx again for taking are input awesome work

  17. Zvitor o omelete publicou uma noticia sobre o infinity war.

  18. Z, estou curtindo bastante o jogo, um dos melhores beat'em up q já vi, parabéns!! A respeito da mana, q tal reduzir o tempo de recarga enquanto o personagem estiver parado?

  19. Fala Z, cara encontrei acho que um bug. Estou na fase 114 se nao me engano, é depopis que o Magus pegou a manopla. Escolhi o Magneto mas quando a primeira parte da fase termina o game fecha. Tem alguma ideia??

    1. tenho sim, corrigi, se baixar a versão 1.062 jah vai tah corrigido esse problema

  20. Esse acho que é o erro que está dando Z. Pelo menos é o que esta escrito no LOG.

    Can't compile script 'MagusClone' data/chars/Thanos/MagusClone.txt

  21. Em uma das fases finais do jogo. Onde luta contra vários clones dos super-heróis, chega até uma parte onde vc destrói todos os inimigos, ai vai pra tela de carregamento e, do nada, o jogo fecha sozinho.

    1. foi mal, bug jah foi corrigido, baixa a versão 1.062 que n acontece mas isso.

  22. don't know if it is reproducible but a bug happened when I was playing mfa mode on sentinel of those blue floating robots became untouchable and I was unable to progress due the fact you have to kill all enemies to move forward.

    played the update...really cool...though can't enjoy it as much with stomach virus...still waiting on stryfe and red hulk update

  23. No I don't remember touching him but I think it was during or after nimrod fight.....there was one of those small blue floating robots that shoot small fire at you just floating there ...I couldn't hit it couldn't touch it so it wouldn't die so I could not progress...I even waited until the time ran out so I could die and respawn that usually makes all enemies drop...nope still just floated I just restarted game and decided to play replay mode instead...I'm not sure you need marvel first alliance mode anymore if you have replay mode....reason being I decided to play through but most of the bosses are gone now all the cameos are gone quicksilver running along the train no trapped magneto no fight with red hulk us agent...some spots it's not as noticeable but some you can really feel the dead space...I think you should put all the stuff back in or just remove it and keep replay mode. I know why things are missing ..because we have all chars playable now and it doesn't make sense. .But I don't mind fighting "clones" a matter of fact it would be cool to fight the new version of mystique or old. But right now without those things I mentioned it is redundant and probably takes up memory that you need...but then again if you add these things back then he'll yeah keep it and keep the little screens that said you unlocked too

  24. E ai beleza? Uma dúvida, estou configurando o controle pra jogar e ele reconhece nas configurações e tudo mais, porém quando saio da tela de configurações, ele não funciona mais, tendo em vista que eu tenho que extrair novamente o jogo pra voltar as configurações originais. Vocês teriam alguma dica pra poder me ajudar, pois quero gravar o jogo e levar pro meu canal.

  25. Também tenho outros conhecidos que tem canal e podem estar divulgando o trabalho de vocês, pelo que eu pude ver ficou MUITO legal!

  26. E aí cara, beleza? Primeiramente gostaria de te parabenizar pelo projeto. Já acompanho há algum tempo o seu trabalho com Mugen e não conhecia o Bor. Me diverti demais jogando. E também quero aproveitar pra reportar um probleminha que eu tive, que não sei se aconteceu com mais alguém. Ao chegar numa determinada fase, acredito que seja a última, depois da segunda "onda" de inimigos, a aplicação fecha sozinha. Tentei inclusive descompactar os arquivos novamente, mas o problema persiste. Não sei se de repente tem a ver com o fato de eu ter testado no Win 10. Enfim, espero ter ajudado com essa informação. Valeu e mais uma vez parabéns!
