Saturday, January 21, 2017

MIW Future

Grid updated to 80 chars.
Looks like Sentry will win first poll, end at day 24,
to next polls will be one to each team, Patrons choice poll options, and i put they at youtube for people choice :)
I will try give 10 days to each poll.


  1. Are the placement of the numbers clues to who might be on the poll? So no.6 would be a villain poll and no.3 a new X-Men?
    I hope Super Skrull is a poll choice for no.6!

    80 characters though! Wow, impressive stuff. Congrats and thanks for all your hard work work on this project (and the hard work from everyone else)

  2. Hey amigo, estive na Live do Julinho e adorei seu trabalho. Parabéns! Agora tenho uma sugestão (mais um pedido), mas seria legal se você fizesse o Solo nesse Game, usando armas e tal, com a roupa Verde bem como nos quadrinhos... Ia ser incrível, pois sou super fã! Abraço e continue com o bom trabalho!

    1. putz, confesso que n conheço o personagem, tive que pesquisar e tal, parece ser interessante de fato, mas daqui pra frente vou deixar a galera escolher.

    2. Ele poderia ser talvez NPC do Justiceiro... Tem também a Silver Sable, ambos são vigilantes das hq's anos 90... O nômade seria muito bacana também. Mas um cara essencial que ta faltando como jogavel é o Gigante, com aquele uniforme dos anos 90 (vermelho, com um 'y' preto no peito, onde ele não escondia o rosto - que ele usava durante a saga massacre marvel) que daí ficaria show!

  3. Caramba!!! Não acredito que vc já está expandindo o roster! Que phoda!!!
    O Thanos vai continuar como secreto?

    1. sim, que ele eh o unico destravavel da historia.
      e não é que eu "jÁ" estou expandindo, eh soh pra jah ir me planejando, separando bases e talz.

    2. Então teremos mais do que 80 (fora os X-NPCs!). Que loucura!
      Bom, já que é pra dar ideia... BlackBolt e Medusa, Mulher Aranha (Jessica Drew), Nova (Richard Rider), Namor, Doctor Octopus, Homem Formiga (Scott Lang)... agora, pros X-Men, eu não consigo me decidir. Kitty Pride provavelmente, mas tem tantos q eu gostaria de ver mesmo q fosse só como Npcs, pra representar os outros times, x force, x factor, novos mutantes... cara, a Magik seria fantástica!

  4. Sobre o possivel lançamento do Sentry, não seria viavel mudar pelo menos a stand dele ou a do Thor? Levando em conta que os dois usam a mesma base e são idênticos, não ia ficar muito esquisito se os dois tivesse o mesmo stand?

  5. Substitua o Homem Formiga no lugar dele pro Radio do Mr. Fantastic

  6. Mulher Aranha é praticamente certeza absoluta, certeza que é ela do lado da vespa.
    Meus palpites:

    1: Sentry
    2: Raio Negro
    3: Kitty Pride
    4: Mulher Aranha
    5: Jessica Jones
    6: Vibora

    1. Cara, Vibora é uma escolha tão óbvia que passou despercebida! Excelente ideia!

    2. Fora que iria ser bacana Beto uma outra vilã, so temos a Mística.

  7. So patrons will put a group together and we will chose from their list?

    If so cool...pick cool chars guys gameplay wise...if I can be the bug in your ears...wolfsbane sprites could be the cat chick from battle circuit and she could become a full on werewolf to get some xfactor reps there...and multiple man gambit base

    On another note Z could you change the screen background when you go to vid options to a as we can make sure we are picking the best options for us instead of going back and forth through menus so what is best for could be just Ironman would be similar to how most games work these days before you boot up and it ask you to adjust screen till u barely see the logo

    Ps I like the new screens you added and Thanos is cool

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wolfsbane... I wish i chose her. I hope the other patrons see your idea

    3. Hey miles nudge nudge cough cough doc ock wink wink

      I thought you guys pick a group of two or more then they are polled I'm confused

    4. i dont know if openbor by default can change that options scree, will check it

  8. 1: Sentry
    2: Shadowcat
    3: Medusa
    4: Namor
    5: Black Bolt
    6: Psylocke/Banshee

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. tell me what you think z

    2. that is a hulk buster

    3. Z read your FB chat asap, I solved throw issue of hulk, stryfe and thing

  10. 2: BlackBolt
    3: Shadowcat
    4: Baymax
    5: Falcon
    6: Shuma Gorath

  11. oh good news!=)
    my choise:
    Sentry ( hey, ultra with use his Void power be good)
    Nate gray
    Superior spidey
    or scarlet spider kaine)

    1. Cool!!! using void as ultra would be great!!!

  12. Hey z tomorrow i will be your new patreon also I want to tell you that you made a mistake Antivenom really fits into the street group because he and punisher joined forces to defeat the quinta cartel in the comic antivenom new ways to live read it if you are interested

    1. after read his wiki, i figured anti-venom dont fit to game, because he is eddie brock, and he are already on roster, i dont want different versions of same char at roster, and anti-venom is a venom pallet already, sorry bro.

  13. well he is my choice to the street group

  14. 2-Adam Warlock
    4-Agent Venom
    6-Toxin or Hybrid(great choices for this team)

    1. Adam Warlock also cant be at cosmic team, because he is storyteller, maybe he could join later to be secret like thanos, but i dont want him at story, he must be capitive by magus at end.

    2. Hey Big Z, what do you say to turn X-npcs in semi-full playable chars (like coulson) by adding them a basic punch/kick combo, jump and run (or at least 2x walk) and put them as secret chars in REPLAY mode???
      With Stronguy it shouldn't be difficult since you have Hulk buster movements already sprited...

  15. Well I thought sentry's void could work Jean's phoenix

  16. My wishlist:
    2: BlackBolt
    3: Havok
    4: falcon/agent venom
    5: jessica jones
    6: Omega red

  17. thanks to the great z for the help now these are my final choices

    2-Mistress Death(the love of thanos) or Franklin Richards(The son of mr fantastic and invisble woman)
    3-Daken(son of wolverine) or Hope Summers(the daugther of phoenix and cyclops)
    4-Black Knight(Dane Whitman) or Yellowjacket(Hank Pym)
    5-Toxin( carnage is in the game why his son cannot come? this is a great chance to toxin comes to the game)
    (The great hybrid was the most powerful of the symbiotes(before antivenom))

    It is an excellent idea that adam warlock come as a secret character, hopefully it will come true

  18. Mistress death bio pic

  19. O que eu gostaria que fosse é:

    2-Black Bolt (ou Moondragon)
    3-Bishop (Ou Spiral)
    4-Spider Woman (Ou Heimdall)
    5-White Tiger
    6-Baron Zemo (ou Lizard)

  20. and must say what blade, green gobli and lizard good person too

  21. what happens that my comments are deleted and are not published

  22. Hey Big Z, what do you say to expand a stage in one level for add antivenom and agent venom(if they win the voting poll and become playable)in this stage In the history of this level eddie will be kidnapped by mr negative and will be forced to sapararse of symbiote.el symbiote merges with flash and now as agent venom will rescue eddie.y flash and eddie (already turned into antivenom will be playable for the rest of history mode)

    1. in the first coment i want to say "be forced to separate of the symbiote.the symbiote"

    2. nope, eddie already in game, Dont insist

    3. 2-Mistress Death(the love of thanos) or Franklin Richards(The son of mr fantastic and invisble woman)
      3-Daken(son of wolverine) or Hope Summers(the daugther of phoenix and cyclops)
      4-Black Knight(Dane Whitman) or Yellowjacket(Hank Pym)(instead of antman)
      5-Toxin( carnage is in the game why his son cannot come? this is a great chance to toxin comes to the game)
      (The great hybrid was the most powerful of the symbiotes(before antivenom))

      ok i will dont insist these are my TRUE FINAL choices

  23. the original venom will be blocked And it will no longer be playable for the rest of the story mode but it will be playable for the rest of the mods and it will remove its antivenom palette (no problem if you decide to keep it)

  24. This is just an idea but at least there will be no confusion with antivenom and venom since the same story will explain it

  25. My final choices are
    2-Franklin richards
    4-Agent Venom
    6-Toxin / Hybrid (I'm undecided)

  26. A question who will be the new npc of reed richards

  27. Screw it I'll make a list too.

    1 avengers I guess: sentry ( already decided )

    2 space blackbolt (I see this as probably decided)

    3 x univerese...wolfsbane x factor rep (battle circuit cat for base ), bishop (replace bishop at protect Xavier with forge), captain Brittain (guardian as a an x caliber rep...kinda hard to believe with the universe in trouble that xcaliber would sit out or Meggan) Magik

    4 don't know this category but Wendel Vaughan quasar (he can be space blackbolt could go here instead if you want but quasar was pretty important in the story

    5 marvel knights blade he could be vampire similar to rogue only grab non robots

    6 villain Doc Ock

  28. mr negative bio pic

  29. I vote for falcon, namor, antman and wonderman ill help with anyone you choose z

  30. 2.Agent venom
    5.Black bolt

  31. My suggestions:

    1- Black Bolt
    2- Namor
    3- Professor X
    4- Lady Sif
    5- Hulkling
    6- Wiccan
    7- Ant Man
    8- Nova
    9- Falcon
    10- Hyperion

    And then, after sometime, for the next release, I'd love to see a Infinity game, based on the 2013 arc.

    New Villains:

    1- Proxima Midnight
    2- Corvus Glaive
    3- Black Dwarf
    4- Supergiant
    5- Ebony Maw
    6- Terrax
    7- Annihilus
    8- Malekith
    9- Kurse
    10- Ultron

  32. Big Z would be great if in the next version you will add to x-men remake a final level where fighting against Apocalypse...

  33. 2.Agent venom
    5.ant man
    6.Yellow Jacket (Hank Pym)

  34. Poxa, como eu gostaria de ajudar como patreon, assim que passar num concurso show, vou dar aquela mão financeira pra sempre continuar com o grnade trabalho. Quanto ás sugestões, se entrar a Jessica Jones nos próximos votos, ia ser show ter ela. Abraço!

  35. this helper to spiderman is my fovorite to the work: PROWLER

  36. Hello! Is it possible for you to give Songbird a sonic scream attack? She only has solid-sound based attacks... I'm a huge fan of her!

  37. Falcão
    Dente de Sabre
    Raio Negro
