Thursday, February 26, 2015

MFA3 news and a release to this weekend

Thanks Maru and hno.lobo for keep doing MFA stuffs while im on MUGEN

(star lord in progress by hno.lobo)

(New SW look by Maru)

I was removing dust of  MUGEN Mr. Fantastic, and i noticed he are ready for release, i didnt released at past because some member asked some time to do somes updates, but i didnt get his return, so wait for his release this weekend....

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Poison Ivy - Preview

The Harbinger's masterpiece on her first exhibition

MUGEN/OpenBOR news

Poison Ivy preview didnt get ready in time to valentine day, so lets keep it to other occasion, but i like to say she will be at DCvM too

And while i still on mugen, Maru is on fire doing a lot of work on MFA3.... he did Apocalypse sprites, and Maru finished Loki sprites too! Another playable char confirmed.