Thursday, October 3, 2013

[MFA2] Hulk

He is the top favorite char of game, check out his new changes.


  1. I think instead of hulk touching radio and nothing happening he should either foot stomp it or smash it using his hyper animation and it has a small explosion that knock enemies back that are close to the radio. that way you can have hulk not call on the radio and have at least a small bonus for hulk.

    on another note it seems hulk has been weakened a bit...he changes to banner when health is low which seems cool aesthetically it makes him very disadvantage at least compared to guys like colossus who is also bullet proof. I think hulk should have some kind of passive move like maybe every time he walks enshake make enemies fall when at low health or something, but I like the change of pace for the chars overall

    1. i remember that ideia, problem is because i must do radio disapear exactly when hulk get the radio, so i cant peform a anim with him stomping it, will try do it, im just not sure if it will look like he stomped it, also it is just a radio, why it will explod and do damage? it will be a really small one, aesthetic, with hard chance to hit enemys, different from gambit and jubilee.

      Hulk was the must powerfull char at first game, it will just tune him down a little, normal chars have 240 of life, hulk have 320, and transformation happens when he are with < 50, also banner got a gun and a really good leadership bonus. he still top tier.

  2. A Tigresa vai estar no jogo ainda como npc ainda? aliais pretende excluir algum npc ou estão todos os anteriores confirmados?

  3. todos estão presentes, soh que logico, alguns viraram jogaveis e nao serao mais npcs

  4. you get that stance sprite update i jus t sent for cable at imt

  5. - added stomp to radio, hard to hit enmys but looks better indee
    - change hulk- banner transformation anim
    - added teaser gun to banner

    thanks for all sugestions man

  6. Good stuff Z! In all fairness, the Hulk has been a leader (remember the pantheon and more recently World War Hulk). Granted, those are different versions. I imagine you don't want the Hulk to be overpowered. Regardless, looking forward to the finished product.

  7. i remember well, but hulk had several versions, with different levels of inteligence,

  8. zvitor eu queria que vc me tirasse uma dúvida...

    é possível por script em mugen.

    há uma versão mugen do NEO BATTLE COLISEUM muita bem feita,parece ter script porque os na tela versus vc pode escolher com quem começar pela foto.

    tem script para aparecer tela de win
    a troca tag é bem fixada.

    eu queria saber por scripts para deixar o jogo mais dinamico e semelhante aos comercias.

    pelo visto vc e seus amigo sabem muito bem fazer isso

    1. no mugen eles fazem uns front-end, não é simples é como se o codigo fosse todo feito em outra linguagem, e só na hora da luta que ele chama o mugen com os parametros escolhido na outra linguagem.
