Monday, January 6, 2014

AVENGERS at Openbor

Cool news, not about my projects, but is a cool news anyway.
Ilusionista and Doom released a beta of Avengers Project:



  1. Esse jogo é incrível, tão bom quanto o seu zvitor, eu curti ambos os personagens, principalmente Emma frost com seu modo diamante.

  2. hey z when you do decide to comeback take a look the tmnt game by white dragon (the newest demo). he has a stage where they walking through water waist deep with a cool effect with the shadow. you might be able to use this for atlantis stage...stage 1 beach, stage 2 walk in water waist deep to enter a atlantis/shield outpost

  3. excelente game!

    Zvitor,espero que vc retorne com força total,enquanto isso,bom descanço :)

  4. eu gostem muito ele é tudo de bom, e é um ótimo passatempo para esperar o Marvel First Alliance 2 ficar pronto
